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The Governors of Whitehall Primary are made up from parents, members of the local community, the Local Authority and from the school teaching staff. We are continually striving to be fully involved in the monitoring and evaluation of the school, providing a blend of challenge, encouragement and support to ensure that the children have the best education and opportunities available to them at Whitehall. We believe that we can provide a great foundation for them to continue to succeed throughout their lives.

If you would like to get in contact with the co-chairs of governors, Dani Andrews and Steve Burrow, then the email address is:

Constitution, committees, and declarations of the Governing Body of Whitehall Primary School

The constitution of Whitehall Primary School Governing Body allows for 15 governors: The Headteacher, three parent governors, one staff governor, one governor appointed by the Local Authority and nine co-opted governors. All governors (except the Headteacher) serve for a term of four years.

There are three committees of the governing body, each meets at least three times a year and every governor serves on at least one committee:

  • Finance, Staffing & Premises Committee
  • Health, Safety & Wellbeing Committee
  • Standards, Curriculum & Behaviour Committee

Some Governors are also appointed to roles of additional responsibility.

You can find out more about who our Governors are, their roles and responsibilities, declarations of interest and record of attendance at full governing body meetings in the document below.

Governing Body Minutes

 FGB 2020-21 T2 Minutes - Approved.pdfDownload
 FGB 2020-21 T3 Minutes - Approved.pdfDownload
 FGB 2020-21 T4 Minutes - Approved.pdfDownload
 FGB 2020-21 T5 Minutes - Approved.pdfDownload
 FGB 2020-21 T6 Minutes - Approved.pdfDownload
 FGB 2021-22 T1 Minutes - Approved.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Committees of the Governing Body 2021/22

Contact Us

(0117) 377 3087

Whitehall Primary School

Johnsons Lane, Bristol, Avon BS5 9AZ