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Welcome to Year 1's Learning Page

Here you will find out about all our amazing learning! There are some useful documents for you to view that give an overview of what's in store for each term.  Our priority is your child's wellbeing. Children will be given ample opportunities to share how they feel and what is on their mind while being given strategies to deal with what is going on in the world around them. 



It has finally come to the end of the school year! It has been a fantastic year that has involved lots of wonderful learning. We are all really grateful that this year was went so smoothly and proud of the effort that the children have put into all of their work. As you can see from our photos, the our children have had a super time! We will miss all the children all as they leave year one, while at the same time wish them the best of luck for year two!


Have a great summer holiday!


The year one team

Here's what we got up to in Term 6!

Art Week

Fruit Kebab Picnic


Quentin Blake Paintings

Our topic in Term 6 is: Going to the Seaside


 Term 6 Newsletter - Going to the Seaside.pdfDownload
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 Term 6 Overview - Going to the Seaside.pdfDownload
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In Science we will be focusing on weather and seasons.


In English we will be reading and writing about variety of stories that take place at the seaside! We will also be taking a look at some of the creatures that live near the coast and writing fact files about them. 


In Maths we will be reviewing learning that has taken place throughout the year with the aim to consolidate and master our skills. 

Here are some of the things we got up to in Term 5!

Author Talk - Chitra Soundar

Eid Celebration 

Fruit and Veg Art

Glynn's Herb Garden

Reading Week

Planting Bean Seeds

Knickerbocker Glory

Our topic in Term 5 is: Fantastic Plants

 Term 5 Newsletter - Fantastic Plants.pdfDownload
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 Term 5 Overview - Fantastic Plants.pdfDownload
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In science this term we will be focusing on weather and seasons. 


In English this term we will be looking at a number of stories involving the wonderful world of plants!


In maths this term we will be reviewing a number of skills we have covered this year with a particular focus on place value. 

Here are some of the things we got up to in Term 4!

World Book Day

For World Book Day this year we dressed up as characters from our favourite books! We also created art work and performed a section from the book Pattan's Pumpkin. 


This term's maths was all about measuring. We learned how to measure length, height, width, capacity and weight. 


In STEM week we had lots of fun doing experiments around plants and rockets!


We visited Slimbridge and had a chance to see lots of wild birds. We especially loved the flamingos!

Design Technology

For DT we had a great time making bird houses!

 Our topic in Term 4 is: Brilliant Birds


 Term 4 Newsletter - Brilliant Birds.pdfDownload
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 Term 4 Overview - Brilliant Birds.pdfDownload
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This term we will be basing our literacy on brilliant bird related stories.


In maths we will be learning how to measure. 


In science we will continue to learn about materials and their properties. 

Here are some of the things we got up to in term 3!

Hot Air Balloon Making

As part of our Flying High topic this term, we made hot air balloons from papier mache! 

Instrument Making

For DT this term, we had a go at junk modelling. We practised our designing, making and evaluating skills while making musical instruments out of household items. We then performed together as a year group and played our instruments along to the song Up, up, up!

PSHE Garden of Dreams

In PSHE this term, we made a 'garden of dreams'. We wrote down something that we wish for and 'planted' it in our garden so that we can watch our dreams grow. 


In maths, we used lots of different manipulatives to help us learn about multiplication and division. 


In English this term, we had lots chances to practise our oracy skills. Here we are performing our acrostic poems that we wrote together. 

Our topic in Term 3 is: Flying High


 Term 3 Newsletter - Flying High.pdfDownload
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 Term 3 Overview - Flying High.pdfDownload
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Please enter some files.

Here's some of the things we got up to in term 2!

Christmas Lunch

Palaeontology Day

We had an amazing day celebrating all of the amazing learning we did have done for ‘Dinosaurs’ topic this term. We created fossils out of clay, role play dinosaur adventures, practised our drawing and colouring skills and used plasticine to make brilliant model dinosaurs too! We also used our art skills to create huge dinosaur collages which looked amazing!


Year 1 had a super time celebrating Diwali by participating in a variety of fun activities. We made Diwali cards, got some henna tattoos, made ice biscuits, jewellery, dressed up and even had a chance to perform a stick dance! Once all of the fun activities were over we then went back to out classes for a Diwali party! 

Classroom Learning

We love our learning in year 1 here at Whitehall. Take a look at a few snapshots of our learning in the classroom!  

Our topic in Term 2 is: Incredible Dinosaurs


 Term 2 Newsletter - Incredible Dinosaurs.pdfDownload
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 Term 2 Overview - Incredible Dinosaurs.pdfDownload
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Dinosaurs (English)

Addition and Subtraction (Maths)

Animals Including Humans (Science)


Our topic in Term 1 is : Our World in Whitehall

This term our topic is Our World in Whitehall. Take a look at our newsletter and overview below, for more details on what 

we will be learning. 

We've had a fantastic term and we are so proud of the children for all their hard work and how well they have settled back to school!


In English, we kick started our geography focused term with a story about Rosie the hen and her travels around her local area. We had fun learning about the many close escapes Rosie had and wrote sentences about them. We then took a look at a journey made by Handa in Handa's Surprise and marvelled at all the mischievous animals she met along the way! We even had a chance to taste some of the tropical fruit from Handa's story. Finally, we learned about Travelling Ted and his travels around Whitehall. We were all so fond of Ted, that we decided to write him a letter and pop it in the local letter box ourselves! 


In Maths, we began by recapping place value, developing our understanding of two-digit numbers. We used a range of practical resources and methods to explore the value of 2-digit numbers. We ordered them, split them into tens and ones and learned where they fit in on a number line. We also had lots of fun exploring the hundred square! 

This term in Science, we began learning about animals including humans. We learned about how our muscles help us to move and how our senses enable us to observe the world around us. We also learned how to tell which animals belong to different groups including: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and insects. 

Here are some more photos of our explorations with art, PE, computing and geography- all contributing to our broad and balanced curriculum. 


 Term 1 Newsletter 2021.pdfDownload
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 Year 1 Year Overview 2021 - 2022.pdfDownload
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Contact Us

(0117) 377 3087

Whitehall Primary School

Johnsons Lane, Bristol, Avon BS5 9AZ