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 2021- 2022 Reception learning 

Term 6

This term we will be learning about 'The great outdoors' .  We will be looking at the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood' and creating our own wanted poster about the wolf.  We will also be making up our story about the woods and the things that live in there! We will be exploring the great outdoors, using our wilderness area.  In maths we will be looking at bigger numbers and the patterns within these, alongside consolidating our knowledge of doubles, number facts adn odds and evens.  

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Term 5

We have had a busy term learning all about insects and plants.  The children have really enjoyed planting seeds and watching them grow in the mud kitchen.  We have also all planted a sunflower and looked after them in our classrooms.  We have looked at insects and thought about where they live and what they are like.  We played a game ‘What am I?’ and had to give each other clues to guess the insect.  We have really enjoyed making bug houses out of construction and junk modelling. 

We have looked at the story of ‘The gigantic turnip’ and we created our own story called ‘The enormous carrot’.  We retold this and acted it out. 

In maths we have looked at double facts, odd and even numbers and our number facts to 10.  We have explored making ten using the numicon, bead strings and with a tens frame.  We have looked at measuring time and really enjoyed using the stop watch to time things and have some time challenges!

In PE, we have been doing dance.  We have listened to music and moved with great confidence to the music.  We have thought about different shapes and moving between those shapes.  We then worked with a partner to create our own sequence and performed it to the rest of the class. 

We have looked at the art of Van Gogh, and created our own sunflower pictures.

We really enjoyed our reading week, where we had great stories from the Mums and Dads that came in.  We also shared some stories with the Year 4 children in our garden.

We have celebrated Eid in school as well, and we did lots of different activities including henna, biscuit decorating and bracelets.

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Term 4

What a busy term we have had!

We have been learning all about space, planets and aliens.

We started the term looking at the book ‘Whatever next’ and used our imagination about our trip to space.  We even wrote a diary about our trip.  We have also created our own aliens and then wrote some descriptions of them.

We had a very busy STEM week, where we designed and made our own rockets.  We then even sent some rockets flying and then wrote some instructions on how to do this. 

We have also planted some seeds and watch them grow over the STEM week and the next few weeks.  We have also been busy planting some seeds in our mud kitchen area.  We can’t wait for them to start growing.

In maths we have exploring the composition of different numbers and representing our numbers in different ways.  We have explored weighing and 2D and 3D shape.  We enjoyed learning about positional language.  We also used directional language and pretended we were robots following the directions.

  We have had great fun outside creating and using our assault course to practise our physical skills and also to use the positional and directional words. 

We have explored ‘Alien slime’ and had great fun using the tools to watch it move and change.

We also had ‘World Book Day’ where we dressed up as our favourite book character, and acted out our own stories.

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Term 3


We have had a busy term learning all about animals.  We started the term having an ‘Animaltastic day’ and dressed up as some great animals.  We then did some writing about the animal that we were.  We have loved our jungle role play and enjoyed acting out as animals, and also being on safari.  We have even made our own jeeps to travel in!  We have had some frosty days and loved looking at the ice that was around and played with some polar bears and penguins in the ice.  We have carried on learning our sounds and numbers.  We have practised ordering our numbers and recalling number facts to 5 using a range of different resources.  We have looked at the book ‘Welcome to the zoo’ and made up our own stories, as well as reading ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ and writing rhyming strings and rhyming sentences.  We have painted some animals, and made our own lions using paper plates and string.  We have also collaged some animals.  We have looked at the artist Henri Rousseau, and tried to recreate his ‘Tiger in a tropical storm’ by mixing our own paint colours and using different sized brushes.   In PE outside we have made some obstacles courses and enjoyed playing team races with the hula hoops.    This also helped our maths when we were thinking about 1st, 2nd and 3rd.  Inside PE we have been doing gymnastics and thinking about our different body shapes (pike, tuck, straddle, straight) .  We have then linked this into ways that different animals move.  We have been tall giraffes, like a straight shape, and a tree frog that starts in a tuck.   We have used the apparatus to support us. 

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Term 2

We have had a very busy term looking at lots of different forms of transports.  We started the term looking at the teachers cars and did some great labelling of the different parts. We also had a ‘Wheelie Great Day’ where we scooted around the playground, had an obstacle course and some races!   We then looked at emergency vehicles and even had a visit from a police car. We really enjoyed making our own police badges and acting out being police and fire people.  We also learnt about road safety and had a walk around the local area and looked at the things that keep us safe when we are walking to school. We have really enjoyed learning about the ‘Naughty Bus’ and created our own buses that have got up to mischief in our reception playground.  In maths we have learnt to subitize numbers to 5.  We have thought about ‘don’t count, see the amount’.  We have thought about our number facts to 5 and how we can make 5 in different ways. We have looked at 2D shapes and thought about how they fit together.  We have also looked at number order and different quantities.

We also celebrated Divali with activities in the hall.  We made masks, cards and even did some dressing up and dancing.

We have ended the term thinking about Christmas and really enjoyed our ‘Santa workshop’ role play.  We have acted out being elves, decorating the Christmas tree and writing our Christmas lists.

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Term 1

What a super start to the school year your children have had. We are really proud how they have settled in and enjoyed all of the learning we have been doing.  This term we have learnt 'All about me!'.  The children have looked at their own families and people who are important to them.  We looked at our local community and places we liked to visit.  The children have really enjoyed making their own maps. We have really enjoyed learning about how our bodies work and what we need to keep healthy.  We have looked at a skeleton and the bones that we have!  We have started to learn our sounds and really enjoy writing them and reading simple words.  In Maths, we have looked at numbers 1 to 5 and really explored counting out amounts, seeing amounts of number and different ways of making numbers to 5.  What a busy term we have had!

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(0117) 377 3087

Whitehall Primary School

Johnsons Lane, Bristol, Avon BS5 9AZ